Padron, a town in Galicia and the last town on the Portuguese Camino de Santiago, is also known as the home of pimientos de Padron (Padron peppers), a Spanish delicacy served throughout the whole of Spain. True pimientos de Padron are only grown in the area around Padron. The season generally starts around the end […]
Visit Santiago – The Cathedral Of Santiago De Compostela
Every pilgrim who walks the Camino de Santiago has one ultimate destination in mind. The Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela believed to be the final resting place of St James. Santiago de Compostela, also known as the “lighthouse of spirituality”, is one of the most important religious buildings in Spain. It marks the end of […]
24 Hours In Padron On The Portuguese Camino De Santiago.
Padron in Galicia is the final stopping place before reaching Santiago de Compostela on the Portuguese Camino de Santiago Indeed, Padron may hold the earliest link to San Tiago (St James). He was known to preach in this area while on pilgrimage and his remains were allegedlly carried up the Ulla River to Padron (although […]