Aaah. My walk from Povoa de Varzim to Barcelos began as a glorious day on the Portuguese Camino de Santiago. Let’s not forget William, my furry pergerino. This is his third Camino de Santiago! He loves the Camino life. I’ve walked the Camino de Santiago routes since the 1st May and marveled at the change of season from late Spring to Summer.

The fields are now full of corn plants, the vines are ripe with grapes and the sunflowers are beginning to bloom.
Summer on the Camino is hot, that’s for sure yet there’s always cool shade under a tree and a warm welcome from the cafes and restaurants along the way offering the chance of a break along the way.
As the afternoon progressed, it became clear that William, my little peregrino was struggling in the heat. Walking with a dog means that I have to constantly monitor his responses, especially during the summer months.
We rested under the shade as often as possible until he found his second wind. Towards the end of the day, William was pulling me along the trail!
A long yet rewarding 33km day on the Camino de Santiago. Perseverance, my friends is just as important as joy. Getting through the days when my feet hurt and my shoulders ache is just as rewarding as the easier days.
I used to say I may grumble but I’ll never crumble. These days I don’t even grumble. I march on like a trooper with a smile on my face, happily accepting the discomfort that comes with the pleasure of a Camino de Santiago.
Perseverance, my friends is one of the most important qualities that the Camino teaches a pilgrim. A quality that’s just as useful in every day life.
Which is why I’m looking forward to the harvest season most of all. Cooler weather for one and the change of season yet again. But, for now, summer on the Camino de Santiago hasn’t disappointed.
Check out my book, A Wild Woman’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago for practical advice on preparing to walk the Camino de Santiago including snippets from my journey and stories from Camino pilgrims.
(c) Samantha Wilson 2021. All Rights Reserved.