Oooh. What a treat! I stayed with Julia and Diego at Albergue Quinta Estrada Romana in Cerdal on the Portuguese Central Camino de Santiago and what a wonderful Camino welcome we received. William was treated like a little king!

The Albergue was once a farm set in a stunning location surrounded by organic fields that provide some of the produce for the evening pilgrim dinner (donativo).
The pilgrim dinner was loving prepared by Julia including the most fabulous orange cake I’ve tasted in Portugal. A substantial breakfast is also included.

>The Albergue is clean, modern, warm and rustic all in one go set in the perfect location. The Albergue offers dorm accommodation although I slept in a private room as I was staying with William.

Yet it’s the owners who make the place so special. Say hello or stay the night if you’re walking the Portuguese Central route.
Check out my book, A Wild Woman’s Guide to the Camino de Santiago for practical advice on preparing to walk the Camino de Santiago including snippets from my journey and stories from Camino pilgrims.
Please note – Accommodation owners are not aware that I review Albergues, guesthoues or hotels during my stay. I do not receive any financial benefit for supporting Camino accommodations on my website.
(c) Samantha Wilson 2021. All Rights Reserved.